很感人片尾曲算是惊喜了电影中Jessie和Willy都有不错的结局看了评论才知道Keiko现实经历并没有如此完美没有捕获哪有放生如果爱是伤害running man e143还是要学会放手的
The most intriguing part is not about Gerald Foos’s voyeurism, but his relationship with Gay Telessse. Their extremely trust each other for decades under the basis that they exploit each other: one is to get famous for his freaky act, the other one to reach another peak in his journalism career by the book about the story. Both failed.
这一整季都在各种平行世界还有过去未来里穿来穿去没完全搞懂但好酷炫几次逆转逻辑上又行得通Barry真是个懂事又贴心的好boyrunning man e143喜欢